Bart Deplancke, PhD, a scientist at EPFL, is a senior author of the study.
Bart Deplancke, PhD, a scientist at EPFL, is a senior author of the study.

Sequencing Living Cells Made Possible Through Live-Seq

Until now all genome-wide sequencing technologies killed the cell to gain glimpses into its secrets. This technical limitation eliminated the possibility of follow-up analyses on a cell’s biological characteristics or molecular signatures once the cell was sequenced. A team led by Bart Deplancke, PhD, at EPFL, and Julia Vorholt, PhD, at ETH Zurich, has enhanced single-cell RNA sequencing technology such that the method can now obtain the sequences of thousands of transcripts from a single cell and thereby infer genetic activity without breaking the cell open.

Details of the development of the new technology called Live-Seq were published in an article in the journal Nature (“Live-seq enables temporal transcriptomic recording of single cells”). This innovation enables the collection and profiling of RNA from live cells under minimally invasive conditions.

“It [Live-seq] is the combination of an optimized fluid force microscopy approach—essentially an atomic force microscope with a hollow cantilever, which allows us to extract cytoplasm (and thus also mRNA) from a cell without lysing it, and a highly sensitive single-cell transcriptomic approach developed in-house that allows us to derive genome-wide gene expression profiles from the minute amounts of mRNA that are present in the cytoplasmic extract,” said Deplancke.

Die Sichelzellpatientin Victoria Gray sagte dieses Jahr an einer Konferenz, dass sie sich seit der Gentherapie wie neu geboren fühle.

"Crispr kann uns gegen den Klimawandel helfen"

Die synthetische Biologie ist ein Forschungsschwerpunkt des ETH-​Departements in Basel. (Bild: ETH Zürich / Alessandro Della Bella)

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